Other professionals training

There are many other professional roles other than Doctor or Nurse which are employed by GP surgeries and Primary Care Networks. These include, Physiotherapists, Paramedics, Care Co-ordinators, Dieticians, Coaches, Mental Health Practitioners, Podiatrists and Occupational Therapists. There has been a sharp rise in the number of Pharmacists and Pharmacy technicians who are employed in our local practices. In Tameside and Glossop we believe a more varied workforce is more resilient and can better respond to the health needs of local populations.

This Podcast is a great listen for anyone interested in being an Advanced Nurse Practitioner

The Greater Manchester GP Physician Associate Training Programme will be launched in September 2021. To enrol or request more information please email wbccg.gmth@nhs.net.

The video below explains more about the other professional roles.

Find out more information about these roles.

To find out more about local training and employment opportunities please contact the academy.